Let’s face it, root canals don’t have the best reputation.
Don’t let the stigma surrounding this procedure cause you apprehension or lead you to put off your treatment.
When we offer root canals at SOS Dental, they’re designed to comfortably eliminate your tooth pain (not cause more) and ultimately save your natural tooth! We ensure that your entire treatment process is painless and easy.
Indeed, root canal treatment is an effective way of avoiding dental extractions and retaining your teeth and natural smile.
Also known as endodontic treatment, this is a dental procedure performed to repair and save a severely damaged or infected tooth. The treatment focuses on the interior of the tooth, particularly the pulp chamber and root canals.
Root canal therapy involves removing a portion of the tooth crown to gain access to the pulp chamber and clear out all the infection, bacteria, and damaged pulp and tissues.
Disinfecting and cleaning the canals is the next step before filling them with a hardening material called gutta-percha.
The tooth will then be sealed to keep bacteria from entering the chamber and root canal and covered with a dental crown to ensure it remains strong and functional after treatment.